Tata Steel Nederland - Heracless
The project
Tata Steel has decided on a “moonshot vision” of hydrogen-based, clean steelmaking as the future direction. Project Heracless is part of a major program that will fundamentally change the way Tata Steel will be making steel.
The project is both fast track and technology-driven and needs to be realized in the brownfield environment. The proposed DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) technology is not yet proven at the scale and as such is in an industry first. This new, experimental way of making steel will no longer be based on coal but based on natural gas and later green hydrogen
Scope and Dimensions
A total refit of the Ijmuiden factory and steelmaking process including the phased replacement of the two blast furnaces by installations that produce Direct Reduced Iron. Project costs are estimated well over €2 billion.
DAREL is the project director and project procurement manager
The CO2 emissions of the Tata Steel factory in Ijmuiden currently amounts 12,6 Mton/year. Project Heracless aims for a 30% to 40% reduction by 2030 and zero emissions by 2050. Project Heracless furthermore has a direct impact on the energy infrastructure projects in the Noordzeekanaal area that are aimed at accommodating the expected supply and demand of electricity, hydrogen, CC(U)S and residual heat.